Locuri vacante





The Group Human Resource Director oversees the overall strategic direction, planning, coordination, administration, and evaluation of the human resources (“HR”) function at Trans-Oil Group, an integrated agribusiness logistics company which has over 2700 staff in various locations in Romania, Moldova, Serbia, Ukraine, and Switzerland.


The position is based either in Bucharest, Romania or Chisinau, Moldova and reports to the CEO. As a director, he/she will be responsible to create the Group’s HR framework (people/processes), developing and ensuring effective implementation of plans, systems, policies and processes for workforce planning, talent acquisition, talent management and development, employee engagement, legal compliance and recordkeeping, employee relations, total rewards (compensation and benefits), and payroll. This position requires a genuine strategic business partner who is collaborative and capable of building consensus and commitment toward shared outcomes.



·         Partner with the leadership team to clarify roles and responsibilities as well as limits of authority/accountability for all key functions of the Group and at each country’s level.

·         Formulate, develop, implement, and evaluate an HR and Talent Management Strategy to achieve the organization’s vision, mission, and goals, and to create value to its stakeholders. Regularly engage in direct communication with key senior managers of the Group on key human resources matters.

·         Harmonize and make more efficient the existing HR practices across Group.

·         Oversee recruitment efforts to ensure that the organization is effectively and efficiently sourcing and selecting the right candidates.

·         Develop and drive talent management strategies to ensure effective staffing alignment with the needs of the business. Create processes to identify critical needs, attract talent, develop core competencies and corresponding development opportunities, and engage leadership in succession planning.

·         Identify ways to increase staff retention and productivity, including strategies to enhance employee engagement, leadership and staff development, regular feedback and coaching, career pathing, and promoting a coherent organizational culture in Trans Oil Group.

·         Lead the effective and efficient administration of the performance management process, making sure that the organization’s managers are equipped to engage in constructive and ongoing feedback and coaching, collaborate effectively during projects, and encourage staff to actively participate in identifying and addressing performance gaps.

·         Mitigate personnel-related legal risk to the organization through proactive training and education, clear systems, and processes for managing conflicts with and between employees, handling and investigating complaints of harassment/discrimination and other unjust practice allegations.

·         Maintain current knowledge and application of all relevant laws and regulations relating to employment and ensure organizational compliance. This includes educating and advising managers and senior leaders on HR-related legal and regulatory matters and ensuring HR programs, practices and policies are aligned. Ensure that employee files and records are properly and securely maintained.

·         Design and implement a competitive compensation system and benefit package to attract and retain staff

·         Partner with leadership to develop Rewards/Pay package regularly review compensation and benefits market data, monitor pay practices and proactively address issue, manage leave administration and the payroll function.

·         Design and implement a strategy to optimize and integrate HR technology to facilitate delivery of effective HR services, securely store employee data, and support people-related decisions.

·         Lead and develop HR professionals located in jurisdictions where Group operates.

·         Conform to all Group’s policies and procedures.




·         A proven self-starter with Bachelor’s degree or the equivalent years of experience in HR or related field.

·         A minimum of 7 years HR experience partnering directly with senior leadership to develop, align and implement HR and organizational development strategies.

·         Experience implementing strategies and systems for talent management, compensation and benefits, and HR technology.

·         Experience supervising and developing staff.

·         Strong business acumen and leadership abilities.

·         Working knowledge of employment laws and other compliance issues.

·         Ability to listen and probe to understand underlying needs and/or root cause of an issue.

·         Ability to provide thoughtful, progressive, and strategic guidance.

·         Expertise in analysis, critical decision making, project management, and process improvement.

·         Strong interpersonal, verbal, and written communications skills.

·         Demonstrated ability to anticipate and solve practical problems.

·         Ability to identify, influence, and collaborate with key stakeholders to achieved desired organizational outcomes.

·         Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, HR system applications is a plus.

·         Must be available to travel to all Group’s office locations as needed.

·         Fluency in Romanian and English is required; Proficiency in Russian is preferred.



Compania: Companie internaţională, care activează în domeniul agriculturii și comerțului cu produse
Cerințe profesionale:
- Studii superioare în domeniul dreptului;
- Cunoștinte avansate ale legislaţiei RM (în particular, cunoştinţe teoretice si practice în
domeniul dreptului comercial, civil (inclusiv procedura civilă), administrativ, al muncii şi
societăţilor comerciale);
- Experiență profesională în domeniu minim 4 ani (în particular, experiență în întocmirea şi
redactarea documentelor de natură juridică de ordin intern/extern, gestionarea litigiilor și
reprezentarea în instanțele de judecată);
- Exprimare corectă în limba română și rusă (scris şi vorbit). Cunoaşterea limbii engleze este
un avantaj;
- Cunoștințe avansate PC și Microsoft Office;

Cerinţe personale: Atitudine proactiva si integritate profesionala, gîndire analitică, capacitate buna de
analiza si organizare a muncii, capacitate de lucru individual și în echipă; flexibilitate, punctualitate,
onestitate, responsabilitate, atenție, perseverență; abilităţi de organizare, planificare, comunicare şi

- Consilierea si asistenta juridica a managerului si departamentelor companiei;
- Întocmirea, examinarea, redactarea juridică a actelor de natură legală;
- Gestionarea litigiilor în mod direct, dar şi coordonarea celor gestionate prin intermediul
societăților de avocatură/avocaţi particulari;
- Elaborarea de opinii juridice pe subiecte de interes pentru angajator;
- Analiza și coordonarea contractelor (contracte de achiziţii, servicii, investiții, leasing,
furnizare, vânzare și cumpărare, antrepriză, etc.);
- Perfectarea procurilor, contractelor si altor acte juridice;
- Reprezentarea directă în instanța de judecată, perfectarea actelor procedurale în etapa
extrajudiciară şi cea judiciară;
- Apararea drepturilor si reprezentarea intereselor legale ale angajatorului în faţa autorităţilor
publice şi oricare alte instituţii şi organizaţii indiferent de forma organizatorică;
- Respectarea circuitului documentar şi revizuirea documentelor cu circuit intern/extern;
- Evidenta, corespondenta si arhivarea actelor societatii;
- Efectuarea rapoartelor privitoare la rezultatele obtinute;
- Diverse activitati conexe.

- angajare oficială cu pachet social deplin;
- mediu de lucru dinamic (Regim de lucru luni-vineri orele 8-30÷17-30 în orașul Chișinău cu
deplasări periodice pe teritoriul RM la necesitate);
- pachet salarial motivant;
- dezvoltare profesională și oportunități de creștere în carieră;
- beneficii acordate conform specificului funcţiei.
Persoanele interesate pot trimite CV-ul la adresa de email hr@transoilcorp.net. Doar candidaţii care au
fost selectaţi în urma examinării CV-urilor transmise vor fi invitaţi la interviul primar.

© Trans-Oil Group of Companies