Agriculture Ministry does not consider the aftermath of the April 20/21 snowfalls critical and states the situation is under control

Agriculture Ministry does not consider the aftermath of the April 20/21 snowfalls critical and states the situation is under control

At a sitting of the parliamentary commission for agriculture and processing industry, Deputy Minister Ion Parea said the farmers’ fears for the sugar beet harvest had not realized because about 23 hectares of the beet had been saved thanks to snow. “As for orchards, the ministry needs 4 to 5 days more to estimate the damage, but bees have come back. By May 5 the situation will have been clearer with vineyards, but the harvest of rape will be 10 to 15% less because of the snowfall”, he said.  According to Ion Parea, the Agriculture Ministry is working together with local authorities to draft recommendations for households that suffered from the adverse weather and to help them.  On Wednesday, suppliers of seeds and saplings said to the Ministry that they had had enough seeds and plant protection agents  it case some of the plantations be resowed and  they were not going to raise the prices and were even ready to offer farmers payment grace periods until the new harvest. Nevertheless, the members of the parliamentary commission were critical at the Agriculture Ministry for the “work in office” and for having incomplete information about the damage the cyclone had caused to Moldova, especially, its southern region.

26.04.2017 – InfoMarket.

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