Decision of the Moldovan Audiovisual Council and sanctioning of allegations against Trans-Oil Group

Decision of the Moldovan Audiovisual Council and sanctioning of allegations against Trans-Oil Group

Trans-Oil Group reports that allegations against the group at some TV stations in the country have been examined and sanctioned by the Moldovan Audiovisual Council.

The esteemed Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Moldova, through its decision No. 230 dated 28 July 2023, has taken the appropriate step of issuing a public warning to “Jurnal TV” for failing to comply with the legal provision that information must be verified and presented impartially and in good faith. The decision was taken by a vote of four members of the Broadcasting Council (BC) at a meeting on July 28.

Trans-Oil Group, along with its shareholders, remains steadfast in our unwavering commitment to upholding the highest standards of journalistic integrity. We believe fervently in a fact-based, balanced, and impartial approach to news dissemination.

We champion and respect media outlets that adhere to responsible journalism. Our proactive engagement aims to foster a robust and equitable informational landscape.

Embracing the ethos of transparency, Trans-Oil Group remains accessible to the media, willing to provide detailed insights into our corporate endeavors. Requests for information can be sent to


2023, 14th of August

Trans-Oil Group of Companies 

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